Settings Launch iTerm, open iTerm > Preferences or just ⌘ + , . Hotkey to toggle iTerm2 Under Keys tab, in Hotkey section, enable “Show/hide iTerm2 with a system-wide hotkey” and input your hotkey combination, e.g. I use Alt + Space . Shortcut Keys Tab navigation open new tab ⌘ + t next tab ⌘ + Shift + ] previous tab ⌘ + Shift + [ Pane navigation split pane left-right ⌘ + d split pane top-bottom ⌘ + Shift + d next pane ⌘ + ] previous pane ⌘ + [ Search open search bar ⌘ + f find next ⌘ + g Input to all panes input to all panes in current tab ⌘ + Alt + i Clear screen clear buffer ⌘ + k clear lines (Bash command) Ctrl + l Zooming / Font Resize toggle maximize window ⌘ + Alt + = toggle full screen ⌘ + Enter ...