I like the Filco keyboard - http://www.diatec.co.jp/en/det.php?prod_c=585. I like the Mac. Here's how to make them work together Keyboard - switch the alt and windows keys - result windows key is to the right and left of the spacebar - now like the Mac Software #1 install KeyRemap4MacBook - https://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/ #2 save org.pqrs.driver.KeyRemap4MacBook.plist to your Desktop - https://github.com/joshuascottpaul/Filco4Mac/blob/master/org.pqrs.driver.KeyRemap4MacBook.plist #3 update settings: sudo cp ~/Desktop/org.pqrs.driver.KeyRemap4MacBook.plist /private/var/db/receipts/ #4 result looks like this - you may have to do this manually - not sure if the plist works