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Showing posts from April, 2011

how to troubleshoot brother 7820n scan check cable error

1. push the scan button on the printer 2. error "check cable" 3. but i can print, and i can access printer web page - printer ip is 4. run installation check - show scanner ip as - dhcp changed 5. install check said to check control panel scanners and cameras 6. get properties on brother mfc-7820n lan - in network setting - specify machine by address was using old address - i changed it to specify machine by name so future ip changes won't impair printing 7. all is working

how to backup google docs on the mac

1. get latest Mono framework - mine was MonoFramework-2.10.1_3.macos10.novell.x86.dmg 2. get latest GDocBackup command line - mine was 3. cd to GDocBackup_0.4.28.126_CMD 4. mono ./GDocBackupCMD.exe -mode=backup -password=password -destDir=~\Desktop -docF=pdf -sprsF=csv -presF=ppt ** more notes